7 Reasons Why Tennis is NOT a Girly Sport

Is Tennis A Girly Sport?

As a teenager growing up in the early 2000’s, I remember my friends calling tennis a “sissy” or “girly” sport. Frankly, I might have agreed with them at that time. It was not until I played tennis for the first time, got hooked immediately, and then realized what I had been missing out on.

While tennis is not exactly a contact-sport, it does require tough physical conditioning if you want to compete at a high level. The best crossover sport for tennis is basketball. On both offense and defense, the way you move in basketball is very similar to how you run around on a tennis court. And when you play doubles, especially at a high level, the game of tennis does turn into a contact sport.

While it is true that many girls gravitate to tennis as their preferred sport, there are plenty of men that play the sport too. I think the stereotype generally comes from old school tennis from the 1970s where men wore short athletic shorts. But that argument is hypocritical because that is the way athletic shorts were made back then (think basketball).

Here are 7 reasons why tennis is not just a girly sport.

#1: Lone Wolf Sport

If you serious about becoming a competitive tennis player, it requires a lone wolf mentality. It is one of the few sports that is played 1 on 1. Just you and your opponent. There are no teammates that can help carry you to a win.

Unless you are playing doubles, tennis is a game in which you are solely responsible for your outcome. There is no one else to blame on a loss. All your training, conditioning, and preparation can be done in isolation like a lone wolf.

I have played some singles matches in electric environments. Hundreds of people staring at you, watching every shot, and there is nowhere to hide. You have to manage the moment and your nerves if you are going to come out on top.

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#2: Lots of Girls

When you start playing tennis you will probably notice that there are lots of girls. But, this does not mean that tennis is a girly sport. But, it is an opportunity be around lots of girls who like to have fun and be healthy.

My decision to start playing tennis was because I was playing American football and got injured. Next to the football field were tennis courts. It was co-ed tennis and I saw a bunch of pretty girls playing. And the guys there were having a blast. It made me question what the heck I was doing playing football.

You will find that tennis is a great opportunity to network, make friends, and meet girls. Especially in beginner tennis. Start by signing up for some tennis clinics at your local club and you will meet plenty of new friends to socialize with. That is not being a sissy, that is just being smart.

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#3: Men Play Best 3 out of 5 sets in Grand Slams

On the professional level, men play best three out of five set matches at the grand slams (Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, US Open). The draws include 128 players, and it requires winning seven matches in a row to win the championship.

I do not think people truly understand how difficult it is to play a best three out of five sets match. These matches can take over five hours and include hundreds of points. It is like playing a five-hour basketball game.

Beginner tennis is different because they just tap the ball around back and forth. But at the professional level – these guys are hitting the ball extremely hard, moving with fast footwork, and sprinting to the ball to get it back. Even though I am in good shape and play tennis at an advanced level, playing best 2 of 3 sets is all I can handle without cramping.

#4: You Can Play Into Old Age

One main point that should overshadow any notion that tennis is a girly sport is that it allows you to play and compete well into your old age. Other than golf, and most recently – pickleball, I don’t know of another sport that offers this benefit. I did not realize this fact when I first picked up a tennis racquet, but it makes me grateful that I did.

In the United States, and many countries, tennis is a very popular sport for adults. It is viewed as a great way to stay in shape and still have competition in your life. The US has USTA tennis which allows players to compete in their age category, or playing level, in leagues and tournaments. And there is both singles, doubles, and mixed doubles.

A documentary that I highly recommend is called Gold Balls, available for purchase on Amazon. It highlights the world of Ultra Senior Tennis, and how a group of guys over 80 years old are still competing in tennis tournaments for championships and rankings.

There is also an International Tennis Federation (ITF) Senior Circuit, where players compete on the international level as an adult or senior.

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#5: Tough Mindset Required

Tennis requires that you focus on having a tough mindset if you want to be any good. After each point, you have 25 seconds maximum to get ready for the next point. This time is used to gather the balls, towel off, and mentally prepare for the next point.

The best tennis players have a tough mindset – they can stay focused on the present moment. They do not get too upset if they played a bad shot on their last point. Nor do they get to elated if they made a great shot. It is about focusing on just one point at a time.

And realize that there is no such thing as a perfect match. Every match you are going to miss some shots. The player who can manage that the best and not get too down on themselves is often the victor.

#6: Is Tennis Really Non-Contact?

I mentioned earlier that tennis is not considered a contact sport. Although rarer in singles, doubles can turn into a contact sport.

I cannot tell you how many times I have been hit hard in the chest by an opponent in doubles. This happens because usually one of your opponents will be at the net and will get an opportunity to slam an overhead. I have had my share of hitting opponents as well.

If you are a beginner, do not let this discourage you from playing. It happens more in advanced competition. And in beginner play, your opponent won’t be able to hit the ball that hard at you.

#7: Technology Has Changed the Game

If you think back to 1970s tennis you can picture men wearing small athletic shorts and playing with wooden racquets. The fact is, the game has changed a whole lot since then thanks to science and engineering.

Some of the major changes have been with racquet technology. Racquets are now made of lightweight graphite. Tennis strings are now made of polyester and various blends. These lightweight racquets have allowed racquet swing speed to dramatically increase compared to wooden racquets. And the strings have provided more speed, spin, and control.

These tennis racquet improvements have made the game of tennis a lot more physical, competitive, and entertaining to watch.

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